• Assessments

    At Sundahus, we are proud to offer one of the Nordic construction market's largest databases for material assessments, enabling conscious material choices within the construction and real estate sector. 

    For more than 30 years, we have been working to contribute to and assist the real estate sector in making better material choices. 

    Throughout these years, we've gained extensive expertise and evaluated tens of thousands of products. Our efforts have played an important role in reshaping the construction sector and positioning Sweden as a global leader in adopting more sustainable material choices

    Our experienced and trained chemists document the contents of the products and assess them based on established criteria according to the suppliers' documentation. If necessary, we request additional documentation and contact our suppliers to ensure the quality of our assessments.

    To further ensure the quality of logbooks and to clarify the content of our buildings as much as possible, you as a customer need to reassess your products every 5 years.

    Exceptions for reassessment are granted when a product's content, production method, or internal and/or external impact has not changed. See our terms for more information.

    If you are interested in learning more about how we work with assessments and how your products can be featured in ProductStory, you can read more here:

    Terms and conditions


    +46 13 214090


