• Training

    Free webinars, effective start-up meetings and tailored training courses make it easy to teach you, your team or your organization how to make the best use of all of iBinder’s features.

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    Training for you and your organization

    iBinder is designed to be simple, so that anyone can use it. Although the system is easy to use, there are loads of features, tips and tricks for those who want to increase its impact and value. That's why we offer tailored training for you and your organization.

    Structuring and streamlining work in iBinder boosts productivity and makes collaborating on projects easier. The content of the training is decided on together in a preparatory meeting.

    Standard courses

    • Interactive introduction to iBinder, including testing of basic features
    • Introduction and start-up for new employees, consultants or project teams
    • Analysis and streamlining of your current binder setup
    • Advice on designing templates for future projects
    • Ongoing training support

    Environmental training

    We also offer tailored training courses linked in various ways to informed choices of materials and environmentally sustainable construction, based on your and your organization's needs.

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