• SundaHus Assessment

    The assessments are based on different properties and are classified into five classes: A, B, C+, C- and D. Our experienced chemists document the contents of the products and assess them according to the SundaHus Assessment Criteria based on the supplier's documentation.

    The SundaHus Assessment Criteria are mainly based on the rules of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 and the Swedish Chemicals Agency’s priority guide PRIO.

    Assessment Criteria

    What do the letters mean?


    Products that

    • give minimal health or environmental impacts associated with the PRIO properties defined in the Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate priority guide PRIO (e.g. carcinogenic, toxic to reproduction, endocrine disruptors, allergens etc.)
    • are not classified as hazardous for health or the environment during the construction phase
    • do not affect the indoor environment negatively through high emissions of volatile organic compounds
    • give minimal contribution to smog formation
    • do not emit excessive levels of formaldehyde ( according to the E1 standard)
    • provide a minimal strain on natural resources and less to landfill mountains
    • have a long service life (for selected product groups)
    • are not likely to contribute to unsustainable forestry
    • have poor transparency regarding the product contents


    Products that do not qualify for A and do not match the criteria for C+ and/or C-.


    Products for which workers, nearby communities and the environment risk exposure to substances of very high concern used for the manufacture of polymers.


    Products that

    • could lead to an exposure to substances with PRIO properties (e.g. carcinogenic, toxic to reproduction, endocrine disruptors, allergens)
    • could lead to exposure to substances with other toxic properties
    • risk affecting the indoor environment negatively through high emissions of volatile organic compounds
    • contribute to smog formation through emissions of volatile organic compounds with high photochemical ozone creation potentials
    • contain substances or are produced with substances that at very low emissions can have a big impact on the climate
    • risk contributing to unsustainable forestry


    Products with insufficient documentation for an assessment.


    +46 13 214090


