Our unique database of over 50,000 assessed products enables you to make more informed choices.
An in-depth assessment process
Products are assessed based on various characteristics and divided into five classes: A, B, C+, C- and D.
A comprises products that:
- have minimal impact on health or the environment linked to PRIO properties, according to the Swedish Chemicals Agency (e.g. carcinogenic, endocrine-disrupting and allergenic substances)
- are not classified as hazardous to health or the environment at the construction stage
- do not adversely affect the indoor environment through excessive emissions of volatile organic compounds
- contribute minimally to smog formation
- do not emit excessive levels of formaldehyde (according to the E1 standard)
- have minimal impact on natural resources and contribute less to landfill
- have a long technical life (for selected product groups)
- do not risk contributing to unsustainable forestry
- do not have insufficient transparency about the content of the product.
B comprises products that do not qualify for A but do not match the criteria for C+ or C-.
C+ comprises products that risk exposing workers, nearby communities and the environment to particularly hazardous substances from the manufacture of polymers.
C- comprises products that:
- may lead to exposure to substances with ‘PRIO’ properties (e.g. carcinogenic, endocrine-disrupting and allergenic)
- may lead to exposure to substances with other toxic properties
- may adversely affect the indoor environment through excessive emissions of volatile organic compounds
- contribute significantly to smog formation through emissions of volatile organic compounds
- contain or have been produced from substances that, if released in very small quantities, can have a significant impact on the climate
- risk contributing to unsustainable forestry
These are products that have insufficient documentation to be assessed.
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Environmental data
The market's leading system for an informed choice of materials in the construction and real estate industry.
Manage all the inspections needed in your work, wherever you are in the process.
Choice of materials
Document choices of materials so you can make more informed decisions and avoid products containing hazardous substances.