Five iBinder features you may not know about – tips from the expert

Our platform gets better every week with the addition of new features and updates. That amounts to hundreds of minor and major improvements over a year, but only a few get noticed. To make sure you don’t miss anything, our support expert Johan Eriksson has listed five of the best and most efficient features released this year.
- Work simultaneously in documents with Office Online
This spring we released functionality for Office Online for all users. It’s now possible to open and edit Word, Excel and PowerPoint files in Office Online in the browser at the same time as other users. This feature can be accessed either from the toolbar above the file list, or from file options (the three dots). All changes made by users are saved to the same new version once all users have exited the file. See how it works.
- Highlight and annotate drawings and files
To simplify and streamline your project work, we recently expanded the functionality for document annotation. This improves your opportunities to work with others in the project to enable faster and better decision making. This feature makes the project more efficient and simplifies collaboration and repetition. You can choose which type of highlighting you want to use, add a comment to the note and write @-signs to see which participants are involved in the project and send email notifications to specific participants, so they know that they need to review an item.
You also have the option of setting the status of notes in the comments section. Selecting the status means you can give the diagrams a transparent background using colours inspired by the BEAst QA system. You can also choose your own colours if you need a different colour scheme. This functionality is also mobile friendly and works well in mobile mode.
- Download entire binders
As the administrator of a binder, you can now download an entire binder with just a few clicks. The binder is then saved as a zip-file with a folder structure that mirrors the binder in the platform. You can also decide whether to download all versions or just the latest versions of the files. Here’s how to do it.
- Improved search function
A good search function is the foundation of all efficient systems. We continually update ours, and during the year we’ve made it easier to filter based on binders, documents or both. This speeds up the process of finding what you’re looking for. When you’re in a specific binder or tab, you can also choose to search in that location. If you missed the search box, you can always find it at the top of the platform.
- Easy to download content in tabs
You can now download information in tabs as a file to your computer. It could be the participant tab, Q&As or information about documents (metadata). You just click on the three dots at the top right of the page and then select ‘Export list as csv’. This saves a lot of time for many of our users!