Save time with iBinder Procurement
A procurement process in the building and construction industry usually involves a lot of documents. With iBinder Procurement, you can get structure and order for all the documents, invitations and communication.

iBinder's support expert Johan Eriksson highlights a number of concrete time saving measures available to procurement process managers in both the public and private sectors:
Help creating a good document structure for the documentation
The documents are saved in a structure that is clear and simple. If the tender documents are in a project binder, you can quickly and easily copy them to your procurement.
Easy management of invitations, dates and tender formats
As a private operator, you invite the companies from which you want to receive a tender. All of them get an invitation to the call for tenders when it is published. A procurement binder of course fulfils confidentiality requirements, so the tenderers cannot see who else has been invited.
Tenders can be submitted until the closing date set by you. You can also decide how you want the tender to be submitted, for example as attached documents and price fields.
Automatic notification of additions
During the tendering period, it may be necessary to issue additions and clarifications regarding your procurement. When such additions and clarifications are published, each tenderer receives an email notification. This is fully automatic and saves time.
Questions and answers directly in the binder, with notification
You can choose to manage questions and answers, and tenders, in a procurement binder. This means that tenderers can ask questions about the procurement that you can easily answer there. You receive an email when a question has been asked, and an email notification is sent to all tenderers when you answer a question.
Connect the binder to your procurement system
As a public operator, you can create a link to your procurement binder and attach it to your procurement system. Here you can also choose whether you want to manage tenders and questions and answers in iBinder. If these should instead be handled in your procurement system, you can easily create a reference to it.
The benefits of using iBinder at an early stage
Offers easy and seamless transitions between the phases of construction projects, for example from early stages to design and then production.
If you have a lot of projects currently ongoing, you can see which ones are in each phase of the construction process; early stage, design, production, warranty phase, etc.
Information management for the project is kept together right from the start, instead of being scattered across various emails and different cloud storage systems. The history is clear, which is particularly important in long projects.
In iBinder it is easy to upload, review and show BIM models directly in your binders. You can view the entire BIM model or limit it to specific areas.
Documents and information are linked to communication, so it is easy to see which users have accessed and seen what.

How iBinder works
iBinder is a cloud-based platform that helps the construction and real estate industry better manage information and documentation about their properties.