4 steps for more efficient construction projects
There are as many ways to manage projects as there are projects. But there are some common denominators among the projects that seem to succeed more often.

Here are four tips to make your construction project more efficient, save consultancy hours and reduce the risk of errors.
Structure from the outset
It is important to build a simple and clear structure for your projects from the outset. This can save an enormous amount of time and effort. In your organisation, you can easily create structures as templates specifically adapted to your business. These can then be reused when starting new projects. This means that everyone in the organisation works according to the same structures and there is no need to reinvent the wheel every time a new project is launched.
Use notifications in the right way
iBinder provides several in-built features to alert participants to updates, changes or comments. With the Messages and Questions & Answers functions, you can directly send notifications about an issue or submit a question to other project participants. The benefit of doing this within iBinder is that all history is logged and email notifications are sent to the relevant participants. It will be easy to go back and see what messages have been sent or what questions have been asked.
Collaborate in documents
In iBinder you can edit Office documents directly in your binder. This means that you can edit the documents in iBinder and when you have made an update, a new version of the document is automatically created. Several people can now work on a document at the same time, which saves a lot of time.
In drawings, you can collaborate by adding notes. This means, among other things, that you can select an area in the drawing and write a comment that you then tag to another project participant. An e-mail notification is then sent to the project participant. The comments and selections can be quickly and easily turned on and off at the touch of a button. All history content is also compiled here.
Selection binder for better control
In a project binder, you can tag documents that you can then use to create a selection binder. This means that the documents are stored in a separate binder to which participants can be invited. This allows you to grant people authorisation to access only the documents they require. This simplifies matters for both you and the recipient. When a document tagged in a selection binder is updated in the workbook itself, it is also automatically updated in the selection binder.