Environmental training
We offer tailored training courses linked in various ways to informed choices of materials and environmentally sustainable construction, based on your and your organisation's needs.
Our range of courses
Training for suppliers and producers of construction products
We offer training for suppliers and producers of construction products. The training focuses on SundaHus documentation requirements, how SundaHus Environmental Data is used in projects and the requirements for building materials in different types of certification systems. SundaHus chemical specialists participate in the training and there is plenty of scope for questions and discussions:
- How is SundaHus Environmental Data used in projects?
- SundaHus assessment criteria.
- SundaHus demo + workshop: How do suppliers use SundaHus?
- How can SundaHus Environmental Data be used to monitor different requirements in the different certification systems, Miljöbyggnad, BREEAM and Nordic Ecolabel?
- What information does SundaHus need and how do you complete a construction product declaration?
- Workshops and exercises
Basic training on SundaHus Environmental Data for project participants
We offer live, online half-day basic training on SundaHus Environmental Data. The training course provides an introduction on how to use SundaHus in projects, as well as important issues related to choosing materials. The target group is contractors and consultants who use SundaHus Environmental Data in projects.
- Introduction to SundaHus
- Common environmental requirements relating to construction
- SundaHus Environmental Data, including demo & exercises (workshop)
- Materials and chemicals
- Indoor environment
Find out more about our offer

Information management
Digital information management that boosts productivity and reduces the environmental impact of your construction project, from the early stages through to management.

Choice of materials
One of the market's leading system for an informed choice of materials in the construction and real estate industry.