Knowledge hub
Inspiration, tips and tricks to make you more productive and sustainable.

Streamline your work with template management in iBinder
Working with templates in iBinder is an easy way to create structure, streamline workflows and save time.

Unlocking Green Innovation in Construction with Funding and Digital Tools
The construction industry is an important focus area in Europe’s transition to a more sustainable future, driven by ambitious targets outlined in the European Green Deal.

Powerful document management that meets the needs of the construction industry
iBinder has document management functionality that provides real benefits for people working in project teams with a lot of participants.

Blockchain technology in the construction sector creates trust and transparency in EU supply chains
The construction industry is exploring the use of blockchain technology as a new and powerful tool for improving the transparency, security and efficiency of its supply chains

Digital twins: A revolution in building performance and maintenance in the EU
A digital twin is a virtual copy of a physical building or piece of infrastructure, which is continuously updated with real-time data.

Repurposing – designing and building for reuse
As sustainability, flexibility and profitability are now at the centre of the building industry, designing and constructing buildings that can be reused for different purposes is becoming increasingly important and popular.

Save time with iBinder Procurement
A procurement process in the building and construction industry usually involves a lot of documents. With iBinder Procurement, you can get structure and order for all the documents, invitations and communication.

Enhancing Construction Management with Advanced DIM Strategies
In today's construction landscape, Digital Information Management (DIM) stands out not just as a tool but as a game-changer for project managers.

Fördelarna med digital data-och informationshantering i de tidiga faserna av ett byggprojekt
I arkitektur- och byggbranschen är de inledande faserna av ett projekt – som ritning, design och materialval – avgörande för projektets slutliga framgång.

How DIM helps real estate owners keep track of their properties
In a world in which digitalisation is constantly accelerating, the property sector is no exception. Property owners face the constant challenge of keeping track of a vast amount of information - ranging from lease agreements and maintenance records to energy consumption figures and financial management.

A look at the construction trends in Europe in 2023 – and what could happen in 2024
The construction sector in Europe was characterised by a number of trends in 2023. While residential construction fell sharply in several countries, construction increased in other areas, such as logistics and public buildings.

Tougher building requirements? No problem!
Everyone in the industry most likely agrees that the requirements for construction projects have increased significantly in recent years.

How to keep up to date with the latest building standards and regulations
Keeping abreast of the current building standards and regulations is a constant challenge but also a necessity for construction industry professionals such as construction managers, project managers and architects.

The questions most frequently received by iBinder support in 2023
We at iBinder always strive to make our products as intuitive and easy to use as possible, but there are of course always things that could be made even clearer or explained even better.

How to save money with regulatory inspections – six tips
In the construction and property sector, regulatory inspections are an inevitable part of a property’s life cycle.

Material selection and purchasing – five ways in which digitalisation makes a difference
Digitalisation has transformed the construction industry in various different ways, and one of the areas in which there have been significant changes is material selection and purchasing.

Top tips from an expert about organising your management tasks
Successful property management requires order and structure regarding all the necessary documentation, information and communication.

What the construction industry is doing regarding climate change challenges
The construction industry is facing one of the biggest challenges of our time: On the one hand, a growing global population and increasing urbanisation are making the need for housing, infrastructure and commercial buildings greater than ever.

Six smart tools that are shaping construction sites of the future
The construction industry has long been known for its reliance on manual labour, and many of the tasks can be repetitive, strenuous and risky

How digitalisation is revolutionising project management – four concrete examples
The construction industry, which is known for its complex projects and constant challenges, is facing a revolutionary change due to the increase in digitalisation.

Sea view and compliant with the EU Taxonomy - A real estate agent's dream?
We've probably all been there; you meet a nice person who you start talking to and after a while they ask you what you do for a living. I sometimes provide a bit of a teaser and say something like “I keep an eye on what’s in the walls of your house”.

Understanding the EU Taxonomy and how it affects you and the construction industry
The Taxonomy Regulation, or Regulation 2020/852, is a European regulation that defines criteria for determining whether or not an economic activity can be considered to be environmentally sustainable within the European Union.

How organisations can become more efficient with iBinder
For organisations looking to optimise their work process, iBinder provides a range of services that can revolutionise the way they manage information.

Environmental certification - what certifications are available and what are the requirements for them?
Environmental certification in the construction sector is used to promote and ensure sustainability, environmental friendliness and the efficient use of resources in the construction process as well as in completed buildings.

Can the construction industry really become sustainable?
There is a lot of focus on sustainability at the moment, not least in the construction industry. Whoever you ask, sustainability is important, but what is the actual situation in this regard?

Visual aids facilitate design and planning in the construction industry
The construction sector is dynamic, complex and constantly evolving. One of the most prominent changes in recent years is the use of visual aids for design and planning.

How to write winning tenders – a guide
As a contractor, writing tenders for both public and private construction projects is part of everyday working life.

Why we need more women in construction
Construction is one of the most heavily male-dominated industries in Europe. Statistics from Eurostat indicate that only around 10 per cent of employees in this sector are women, which is on a par with the defence forces and the mining industry.

How to use digital tools to improve safety in your construction project
Safety in the context of construction project has become an increasingly hot topic in recent decades.

How is the construction sector affected by the smart building trend?
Smart buildings can provide a boost for those who use the buildings and those who manage them. The buildings themselves can monitor and control various functions such as ventilation, lighting, heating and security.

Demolition – an important source of construction materials
The construction sector accounts for 50% of material production and 35% of waste in the EU. Much of what is thrown away could be reused.

AI is showing the way to the construction industry of the future
AI and its impact on our society is perhaps the hottest topic of conversation right now. While many people worry about the rapid pace of technological change, the opportunities are also huge.

4 steps for more efficient construction projects
There are as many ways to manage projects as there are projects. But there are some common denominators among the projects that seem to succeed more often.

Direct reviewing on drawings - advanced notes feature
To simplify and streamline project work, we have now added advanced functionality for reviewing and adding notes in documents, files and drawings

How to improve your procurement
With iBinder, you can carry out private and public procurement in accordance with all the rules and requirements. But how can you squeeze out that little bit extra?

Six factors that create circularity in the construction industry
The construction industry is one of the most resource-intensive sectors and generates large quantities of waste. In Europe, construction and demolition waste accounts for around 30% of all waste generated, and only 40% is recycled or reused.

How digitalisation is reducing waste in the construction and real estate sector
More and more people are concerned about environmental issues and there is a strong interest in increasing recycling and reducing our waste.

Five iBinder features you may not know about – tips from the expert
Our platform gets better every week with the addition of new features and updates. That amounts to hundreds of minor and major improvements over a year, but only a few get noticed.

Five main sustainability challenges in the construction and real estate sector
In the Nordic countries, legal requirements for climate declarations have been or will be introduced for all new construction projects seeking planning permission.

How the construction industry benefits from digitalisation
Most industries are becoming increasingly digital, but the revolution has only just begun in the construction industry.

How historical data is making construction and real estate more sustainable
Construction and real estate companies are increasingly turning to data analytics to help keep to tighter deadlines and manage smaller budgets.

Urban Mining Initiatives in the EU
Urban mining is a growing strategy in the European Union to recover valuable materials from existing infrastructure, buildings, and products. While modern urban mining incorporates advanced technologies and sustainability goals, the practice has deep historical roots.

Emission-Free Construction – The Way Ahead?
The construction industry is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and noise pollution.